March 1st, 2024 - Race Update

Trail Enthusiast: 

I'll just rip the band-aid off the disappointing news.  We are postponing the Mac Forest Trail runs 15k / 5k to March 16th.  

After consultation with our race partners, Oregon State University and spending some time on the course today, we decided the prudent course of action would be to postpone.  I know many of you are passionate trail runners and feel like the snow is just a fun challenge.  I feel that way too.  However, we are planning for the logistics and safety of 200+ people.  

Our main concerns were the 6-8 inches of snow in some parts may limit the ability of our volunteers to safely travel where they need to in order to support the race.  Additionally, if we had an emergency up on top of the hills, the snow could possibly delay or prevent emergency first responders from arriving.  One other major concern were the limbs and trees falling.  While out today we saw a number of large limbs fall and there is a section that has many smaller trees over the trail.   

With all of that, the Race is now scheduled for Saturday March 16th.  If you intend to run on our new date, there is no action you need to take. 

We do recognize that there may be some of you who won't be able to join us on our new date.  We have a couple options for you. 

 1) Rollover your registration to next year

2) Transfer your registration to another runner for the March 16th race.

3) Recognize that this race raises funds for the local high schools and consider your entry fee as a donation.  

Please contact with questions or if you would like to elect one of the options listed above.  

We share the disappointment with you but will be even more excited to see you on March 16th.  


With Gratitude,

  —The Race Directors


February 28, 2024 Race Update